Tuesday, September 22, 2015


Kereta kebal tentera Amerika Syarikat (AS) hanya mengambil masa tiga minggu untuk menyeberang padang pasir Iraq ke Baghdad dan menggulingkan rejim pemerintahan Saddam Hussein pada 9 April 2003.

Namun, jika pencerobohan itu dianggap mudah, pengunduran dari ibu negara Iraq pula adalah satu cabaran besar bagi tentera yang didakwa paling ampuh di dunia.
Tentera Saddam yang tidak bersemangat dan kucar-kacir pantas menghilangkan diri sebaik ketibaan tentera AS. Hanya kumpulan separa tentera yang cuba menghalang pencerobohan tentera asing itu."Ramai tentera menghilang begitu sahaja. Mereka tahu tiada gunanya berperang," kenang Ahmed Hassan, bekas jeneral yang berada di kedudukan yang dikawalnya di utara Baghdad hingga ke saat akhir.

Sebaik sahaja Baghdad ditakluk, Kolonel Brian McCoy menguntum senyuman puas sebaik turun dari kereta kebalnya di hadapan Hotel Palestin.Kami disambut dengan taburan bunga dan nyanyian gembira. Penduduk berterima kasih kerana membebaskan mereka daripada pemerintahan kuku besi Saddam," katanya.

Saddam bagaimanapun berjaya melarikan diri dan hanya dapat ditangkap pada 13 Disember 2003. Hukuman gantung ke atasnya dilaksanakan pada 30 Disember 2006.

Namun, lima tahun selepas kenyataan penuh bangga McCoy, tentera AS masih tersekat di Iraq. Misi awal membebaskan rakyat Iraq daripada pemimpin yang kejam kini dilihat sebagai penjajahan, kali pertama di rantau Arab. Hakikatnya, tentera AS yang begitu mudah menceroboh Iraq selepas arahan dibuat Presiden George W Bush pada 20 Mac 2003 kini umpama terperangkap di Iraq. Pejuang kumpulan Sunnah, militia Syiah dan kumpulan ekstremis didakwa memiliki kaitan dengan Al-Qaeda merubah kejayaan mudah itu menjadi medan perang.
Akibatnya, lebih 4,000 tentera maut, puluhan ribu cedera atau menjadi cacat dan ratusan bilion dolar dibelanjakan untuk membendung keganasan yang hingga kini belum mampu dijamin."Perolehannya amat rapuh," kata Duta AS, Ryan Crocker selepas pertempuran sengit antara tentera Iraq dan militia Syiah di Baghdad dan Basra mengorbankan kira-kira 700 orang.Pertempuran itu menyebabkan pelan pengunduran berfasa 160,000 tentera AS dari Iraq kini diragui. Malah, tiada siapa berani meramalkan AS akan menghantar pulang 30,000 tentera tambahan yang dihantar pada 2007, didakwa demi mengurangkan keganasan di Iraq.

Dalam tempoh lima tahun sejak Saddam digulingkan, ratusan ribu rakyat Iraq dilaporkan maut, jutaan lari meninggalkan rumah manakala mereka yang memilih untuk kekal di tempat mereka hidup merempat, tanpa kerja dan tidak memiliki kemudahan asas.Nyanyian gembira menyambut krew kereta kebal tentera AS yang tiba di Baghdad lima tahun lalu kini berubah menjadi laungan kebencian.

"Dulu, kami sememangnya gembira tapi kini, majoriti membenci Amerika," kata pemilik kedai roti, Moieb Sfeih, 33, yang menetap di Sadr, kubu kuat ulama Syiah, Moqtada al-Sadr.Pandangannya itu dipersetujui majoriti penduduk Syiah tempatan yang sebelum ini didakwa terpinggir di bawah pemerintahan Saddam.Mereka yang hilang kuasa sebaik Iraq dikuasai AS turut bersetuju dengan Moieb.

"Saya seorang tentera tapi saya bencikan peperangan. Ia bukanlah langkah tepat menyelesaikan masalah. Saya juga menentang penjajahan ini dan saya ingin melihat Iraq bebas dan merdeka," kata Hassan pula.

Moieb mengenang kembali harapan tinggi rakyat tempatan ketika Saddam digulingkan yang kini berubah menjadi kekecewaan di kalangan rakyat tempatan."Kami memiliki pelbagai mimpi indah. Kami bayangkan Iraq bakal menjadi negara makmur seperti negara Arab lain di rantau ini. Namun, pada hari ini, majoriti penduduk berasa hidup kami lebih baik ketika era pemerintahan Saddam. Jika dulu, kami berdepan seorang pemerintah yang kejam, kini kami diperintah ramai pemerintah kejam."

Kata-katanya itu merujuk kepada pandangan masyarakat Iraq yang menganggap kerajaan dikuasai golongan Syiah dan Kurdish dan disokong AS amat lemah dan lebih sibuk mengaut keuntungan negara untuk kepentingan peribadi."Pilihan kami pada masa ini amat mudah, sama ada berdiam diri dan menanti perubahan berlaku secara semula jadi atau kami bangkit menentang Amerika," kata Moieb lagi.

Sumber: harian metro.  

komen aku : satu perancangan yahudi paling licik. negara islam mana lagi menjadi sasaran yahudi ????  sudah tentu MALAYSIA.  apabila FBI mula bertindak, tunggu lah satu hari nanti nasib rakyat malaysia bagaimana ...????   sejarah kejatuhan melaka dan sejarah kejatuhan kerajaan iraq mempunyai misi yang sama di rancang oleh puak yahudi. 

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device via Vodafone-Celcom Mobile.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

HIMPUNAN RAKYAT BERSATU BERJAYA #169merah #solidaritimerah #bajumerah

semalam punya cerita, 100 ribu atau 150 ribu peserta baju merah berkumpul untuk kali pertama dan berjaya. menjadi keghairahan untuk melakukannya kali kedua. mengikut pengalaman kalau pertama berjaya , nak buat untuk kali kedua aku berani kata tidak akan mendapat sambutan.

mengikut sejarah sejak zaman reformasi dan perhimpunan haram bersih 1,2,3, dan akhirnya 4. kalau kita tengok momentum mereka pun sama. yang pertama sahaja mendapat sambutan dan berjaya.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

LIVE UPDATE DARI MASJID WILAYAH #bajumerah #kitalawan #merah169 #solidaritimerah

kita update pagi ini bagi kasi gempaq, sekarang berita ini di tulis ada lagi bas masuk sejak kul 5pagi tadi aku jangka kan hampir 150 biji bas telah berada di sini. 10ribu rakyat sudah mula berkumpul di sini. tunggu saja nanti bagaimana rakyat bangkit bagi memberi sokongan kepada pemimpin dan kerajaan BN. 

Sunday, September 13, 2015


jelas lah di sini Justo sebenarnya mencuri maklumat kerana terdesak tetapi bukan lah tujuan asalnya hendak menjatuhkan kerajaan Malaysia. dalam beribu maklumat yang dia sudah mencuri terselit ada maklumat IMDB yang menarik perhatian beberapa pihak.  Tujuan dia mencuri data adalah supaya majikan lama petrosaudi boleh memberi imbuhan berjuta USD untuk dapatkan kembali maklumat yang di ambil. 

atas alasan dia begitu terdesak untuk terus hidup bersama keluarga tersayang dia terpaksa mengugut majikannya jika dia tidak dapat seperti apa yang diminta dia akan menjual maklumat syarikat petrosaudi kepada orang yang berminat.  di bawah ini ada lah pengakuan penuh Xavier Justo . 

Xavier Justo's written confession follows:

26 June 2015, Bangkok Remand Prison

On Friday the 26th of June 2015, I hereby confess to my full involvement in, and responsibility for, the offences for which I am charged. They are the attempted blackmail and attempted extortion of PetroSaudi. I make this confession of my own free will and accord without any pressure, duress or outside influence. I do not wish to have a lawyer present.

I fully admit my criminal behaviour and accept my guilt in these matters. I just want to set the record straight and apologise to those who I have wronged. I have conspired with others and further admit offenses of theft of data, handling stolen goods, selling stolen data and IT equipment to third parties and attempting to launder the proceeds of sale. My only motivation for selling the data that I stole was for monetary gain and I never considered myself a whistle-blower.

I worked at PetroSaudi from March 2010 to April 2011. I had two different roles while I worked there. I headed up the IT function and I was also executive administrator of a couple of group companies. I had this job due to my previous administrative roles and my longstanding friendship with Tarek Obaid, PetroSaudi’s CEO. These roles gave me privileged access to PetroSaudi’s confidential data and IT systems.

In March 2011, it became clear that my employment with PetroSaudi would be terminated. I started to worry about how I would provide for myself and family if I didn’t have a job and decided that I needed to protect my financial security. I felt that the best way to do this was to use my access to PetroSaudi’s IT systems to take as much data and information as I could. I didn’t do this because I thought PetroSaudi had done anything wrong. I never saw any wrongdoing while I was at PetroSaudi or afterwards. I did it because I knew the data was important to the company and confidential and I thought I might be able to sell it.

I accessed the data by breaking into my colleagues’ computers and making bulk downloads of whatever I could find onto portable hard drives and memory sticks. I wasn’t looking for anything in particular – just as much data as possible to have the maximum chance of it being valuable. I took this data knowing that I was committing a criminal offence. In total I stole about 90 GB of data which included emails, documents and other material. This was done over several days during March and April 2011.

In early April my contract was terminated and I signed a Settlement Agreement with PetroSaudi. The Settlement Agreement was negotiated by my lawyer and PetroSaudi’s lawyer and contained normal terms requiring me to return data and property and respect confidentiality. I also received a settlement payment based on my salary and my notice period and recognising my friendship with Tarek Obaid. Shortly before signing my Settlement Agreement (original payment to Justo was a settlement agreement and not the first blackmail as some people believe) I downloaded all of the contents of my PetroSaudi computers and drives onto other portable drives that I took from PetroSaudi’s IT stores. I then returned the original IT equipment to give the impression I had handed back all data and equipment.

However, I kept the drives onto which I downloaded all of that data. I admit that all of these actions also breach my Settlement Agreement in addition to my attempts to blackmail PetroSaudi and to sell and transfer the data.

I understand that I will have to pay back all of my settlement payment to PetroSaudi and realise that I am liable to pay damages to PetroSaudi under my Settlement Agreement as a result of my actions.

In July 2013 I contacted Patrick Mahony and demanded 3.5 Million Swiss Francs for the return of the stolen data. Over the next 5 months I sent further emails to Patrick Mahony demanding money otherwise I would sell the stolen data to other interested parties, though at this point I hadn’t contacted anyone else. I knew that releasing this huge amount of confidential data would damage PetroSaudi.

I met with Patrick Mahony at the Shangri La Hotel in Bangkok in October 2013 where I verbally threatened him that if PetroSaudi did not pay me for the stolen data I would sell it to others 1 and cause damage to PetroSaudi. Patrick told me that PetroSaudi hadn’t done anything wrong and there was nothing in the data I stole that would suggest wrongdoing. PetroSaudi refused to pay.

When the blackmail didn’t work I tried to find a buyer for the data and after a while was contacted by Clare Brown. This was in May or June 2014. I know that she is a journalist with Sawarak Report and a relation of Gordon Brown, a UK former prime minister. I met Clare Brown in Bangkok about 10 days after she contacted me. She told me that anything I had involving PetroSaudi’s transaction with 1MDB would fetch a good price and agreed she would facilitate the sale of the stolen data to others.

She promised me I would make at least a couple of million from this sale. During the next six months I kept regular contact with Clare Brown. She tried a few buyers including the entourage of Anwar Ibrahim but wasn’t successful.

In Feb 2015 Clare arranged a meeting at which she was present with Tong Kooi Ong and the editor of one of his newspapers Mr Ho Kay Tat. The meeting took place in the Fullerton Bay Hotel in Singapore. During this meeting I agreed to sell all of PetroSaudi’s stolen data to Tong for the sum of 2 million USD. I originally asked for 3 million USD and this was negotiated down to the two million.

We only discussed the content of the data at a very high level as they said they were only interested in the 1MDB transaction and I hadn’t worked on it. So I showed them I had a lot of documents and emails from the 1MDB transaction but I couldn’t explain how the documents worked, or what they meant, and I couldn’t give them any background to the transaction. Tong and Clare told me that the material would be used to attack the current Malaysian Government and the Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak.

They didn’t explain to me how they would do this, they just said they wanted some original documents and emails to build a story around. Clare said that as long as I could give them genuine documents, the contents of those documents didn’t matter because she would do the rest. I didn’t know what she meant by that.

Tong stated he didn’t want to involve the Saudis or PetroSaudi which was important to me. He said that this was an internal Malaysian matter only. He asked Clare to write an article based on the stolen information and for him to proof read the article before publication.

Clare agreed to do this. However, subsequently this proved to be a lie. It was agreed by Tong that I would hand him the data at this meeting and he would pay 2 million USD the following day.

Then I gave Ho Kay Tat PetroSaudi’s stolen data contained on a stolen hard drive. Tong’s IT team who were present took it off him checked the data and copied it for Tong. I handed a second hard drive to Clare Brown. A few days later Clare informed me that the copy was corrupted and I sent her a further copy on a memory stick using DHL to London.

We met again in Singapore a few days after that to discuss the data some more and finalise payment. One or two days after that second meeting I opened a BVI trust in Singapore and tried to open a bank account at DBS Bank to receive the payment. However DBS refused to open the account. Tong told me that he would transfer the money to this account using his UOB Bank account in Singapore, he was unable to do this as DBS refused my account.

I opened an account in Abu Dhabi asking Tong to pay the money to this account using whatsapp. He refused claiming that Jho Low has too many interests in the region. I then offered my Justo-Consulting in Hong Kong for payment, again using whatsapp. Tong refused to pay claiming it has my name which was a risk. I did not put the money in my Swiss account because of the growing story around the Malaysian/ PetroSaudi situation. In fact I closed the account and moved the money to Koh Samui to my wife for safety.

Tong then offered to pay me by cash if I travelled to Singapore, this would be done of several trips. I declined this option fearing detection at airports and exposing myself to arrest.

The latest proposal was to pay me using Clare Brown. We all agreed to do this. It would involve Tong paying her the 2,000,000 USD in the UK and her paying me a monthly amount disguised as a consultancy fee via the Sarawak Report. She proposed that I opened a news desk for the South East 2 Asia Region for which she would first pay me 350,000 USD, followed by a further 1,250,000 USD later.

She told me that she had asked her UK lawyers to set this up and I was waiting for payment when I was arrested. I am aware and fully acknowledge that this would constitute money laundering.

However, so far I have received no money. I still have copies of PetroSaudi’s data which I’m storing in Koh Samui. It’s stored a Samui Storage and I authorised the Royal Thai Police to recover and seize this. Also stored are the whatsapp conversations I had with Clare, Ho Kay Tat and Tong and they are kept on a USB stick. It’s in a black suitcase made by Tumi and in their company safe.

I accept my dishonesty and greed. I would like to sincerely apologise to Tarek Obaid and Patrick Mahony for the harm stress and anxiety I caused them as individuals. I would like to apologise for my criminal behaviour to the Royal Thai Police and the Thai Courts as well as the people of Thailand.

I would also like to apologise to the Malaysian government and the people of Malaysia for the harm and upset I have caused them by releasing private data concerning business which has nothing to do with me. I never foresaw the magnitude and harm my actions will cause. I deeply regret what I have done and I fully accept the punishment and authority of the Thai Courts and legal system and I will plead guilty when I go before them.

Xavier Andre Justo.

Monday, September 7, 2015


sekarang aku faham kenapa Allah panjang kan umur TUN M. Tuhan nak tunjuk satu persatu kat dia atas dunia apa yg dia lakukan dulu

Dulu dia kata demo itu agenda asing. Sekarang dia turun dan sokong demo

Dulu dia kutuk media asing. Sekarang dia guna media asing

Dulu dia kutuk campur tangan asing. Sekarang dia berkerjasama dgn orang asing. atas alasan sayangkan umno. Owhhh...tak sangka ya orang putih claire brown pun sayangkan umno ya.

Dulu dia bertindak zalim kepada musuh musuh politiknya. Guna ISA, Hari ni dia kata kerajaan pula zalim terhadap dia.

Dulu dia buat undang undang bawa kes parti ke mahkamah kena pecat. Sekarang dia ucap tahniah pula kepada orang yang jadi mangsa undang undang dia buat.

Dulu dia block media untuk musuh musuh nya. Dia gantung media. Sekarang dia kata tiada kebebasan media di malaysia.

Nampak tak tuhan bagi dia rasa apa yang dia kata kepada musuh musuh nya dulu dan apa yang musuh dia rasa.

Sikit hari lagi silap silap dia sendiri tumbuk mata dia sampai lebam.

Selepas ini anak dia pula diturunkan di kedah...dan dia akan rasa pula bagaimana yg tan sri osman arof rasa sewaktu dia turunkan osman arof dan letak sanusi junid.

Tunku - gaduh
Tun hussein - gaduh
Musa hitam - gaduh
Ku li - gaduh
Anwar - gaduh
Pak lah - gaduh
Najib pun gaduh.

sampai bila nak bergaduh dengan orang. ????

posted from Bloggeroid


bentuk serangan nak menjatuhkan perdana menteri ke lima dan enam ada lah sama. dia serang menantu pak lah. sekarang modus operasi yang sama dia serang bini perdana menteri najibrazak

bekas Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir terpaksa "jual" nama Datin Sri Rosmah Mansor sebelum nak mulakan serangan terhadap Dato' Sri Najib.. perhatikan bagaimana beliau mulakan dengan isu cincin.. padahal beliau sendiri tahu kebenarannya (BELIAU YANG LANCAR BUKU BIOGRAFI YANG TURUT MENJAWAB FITNAH CINCIN) tapi "terpaksa guna" nama Datin Sri Rosmah untuk menarik perhatian rakyat.

mana mana kita pergi pun. terutama ahli ahli umno.. bila nak mengukuhkan hujah mereka. ayat paling popular ialah ROSMAH. Rosmah lah yang merosak najib. rosmah lah yang atur siapa nak jadi menteri dan timbalan menteri. dan ayat paling mengerikan. sesiapa yang tak ikut cakap rosmah. tunggu lah nasib dia nanti. pasti akan di gugurkan.

begitu kuat nya nama rosmah ini dalam pentadbiran najibrazak. jahat sungguh orang yang membuat cerita itu.

posted from Bloggeroid

Sunday, September 6, 2015


UMNO bahagian Permatang Pauh pagi tadi mengadakan konvou baju merah bersama 1000 orang dan 500 motosikal bagi mengecam perhimpunan haram #bersih4 yang memijak gambar pemimpin melayu

Ketua UMNO Bahagian Datuk Mohd Zaidi mengetuai konvoi ini. ulasannya tentang BERSIH4 IALAH SATU BENTUK PROVOKASI PERKAUMAN. kerana ada penyokong bersih memijak gambar pemimpin melayu untuk menunjukkan bantahan. kalau ini lah cara dan budaya mereka memijak gambar pemimpin. sepatutnya penyokong bersih memijak semua pemimpin BN tak kira bangsa dan agama. ini baru betoi nak tunjuk marah. bukannya hanya memijak gambar dua presiden umno dan pas. tindakan tersebut jelas memang bersikap perkauman.

UMNO Permatang Pauh mendesak pihak polis membuat tangkapan dan dakwa mereka yang terlibat aksi memijak gambar pemimpin melayu

hari ini konvoi baju merah membuat promosi Himpunan 16SEPT dengan memilih jalan sekitar permatang pauh dan masuk ke dalam bandar Bukit Mertajam.

posted from Bloggeroid

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